Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Outdoors and exercise, why is it such a great combination?

Studies over the last 10 years have shown the benefits of outdoors exercising. Here are some very obvious conclusions of one of these studies that the Glasgow University in Scotland did: Glasgow University Studies

Being outside is not only good for boosting the mood, but it creates a connection (or re-connection) with what we belong to : Nature. By being aware of it, we can get an amazing amount of positive energy and a feel of total unicity.
While working out we activate all the "instinctive or primary" functions of our bodies, even often the focus on the body is so strong that we do not think about anything else at that very moment; only the body expresses and we can feel every bit working (we are aware of our breathing, the sweat and the heat it generates, aware of our heart beating, blood flow ect.), making us feel so alive. That is true in all circonstances of exercising (indoors or outdoors, alone or in team ect.).

When this happens and it's combined with an outdoor workout, the perception of aliveness increases in massive proportions. From my personal experience, feeling simultaneously what's going on inside of my body and what is around me, brings pure pleasure, satisfaction, joy and true sense of accomplishment. By being outside, we can feel the wind cooling us down, or just passing on us, feel the irregularity of the terrain underneath our feet, feel the shade of the trees, breathe their smells, hear the birds, see the colors of the world, feel the sun, the rain, the humidity, the heat... and combined with our internal feelings it generates a burst of raw sensations that make us realize how alive we are and how beautiful the experience and life around and inside us are. We feel one with everything and we are right here in the moment, in the present to make the most of it and get the best of it. We forget then all negativity or issues we are going through, we give our self a break free of worries which would help for example in a process of healing some mental illnesses.

Go out there, walk, run, bike, have rests, look around, touch the ground, the grass, the trees, the flowers and feel with your body and with your senses, do not intellectualize what you see or what you feel, just feel without putting words on it, just let it go through your body and with it. Feel the joy, the serenity, the peace, the perfection and smile at it :)

You'll be surprised after a few times doing it that this experience has positive impacts on all aspects of your life; you, for instance, will feel more relaxed, more gentle with yourself, accepting better who you are and how you look, less obsessed with little insignificant things, more in the action of the present moment and less preoccupied with the future, you'll feel proud of yourself... but not only; your level of fitness is going to increase very quickly because you take pleasure in being there and working out, pleasure that you will want to feel a bit longer every time you exercise again (thing that plays a big part in improving your performance thus your fitness level). You'll also start to eat differently, more healthy, and it will be a natural move for you because loving Nature means more respect for Her and more understanding of the idea that what is good for Her is good for you. Your whole lifestyle will benefit from it and you'll feel much happier, healthier, self-confident and in peace.

Exercising outside gives more chances to succeed in our fitness goals, but also to make the right changes to the way of a balanced, healthy and enjoyable lifestyle.

With my best wishes

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