Friday, 3 February 2017

Body Image, Society, Fitness and Spirituality

Well, this a very ambitious and complex topic, not sure I'll be able to cover it completely, I mean it's going to be hard to be as exhaustive as I would like it to be. But I hope to be able to share some of my experience and point of views on it. I'll try to synthetize my reflection on the subject :) Quite challenging for me!! ;)

It seems that over the centuries the ideas of beauty have shifted around. From round curves and sensuality image in the nineteen and start of twenty centuries, we moved to slim in between the 2 world wars and then "the early 1960s has as a symbol, model Twiggy, who has two defining features: height 1.67 m and a weight of 48 kg. This is the first time that beauty is not defined as health but by sexuality and fame. Hence, cosmetic and plastic surgery, are a central woman “tools” in her way toward the ideal.
XXI century beauty is taken to extremes, where everything is allowed, and nothing is shameful. The hair may be left, trapped in a bun or even be missing, as a vital link to the concept of beauty is the attitude.
Throughout history, the concept of beauty has revealed society the way she thought and action. Always there was an interdependence between the way it was viewed, the beauty and cultural ideals of society.
Now, Hong Kong scientists say that the beauty depends on the volume-height index.
The ratio is calculated by dividing the volume of the body, to the square of height (distance from chin to heel) and assume that it indicates not only the attractiveness of women but also health and fertility.
Therefore, in future it is possible that cultural ideals about beauty, to be confined to canons based on limits, with the role of establishing the degree of sexual attraction and that of fertility"
Extract of the analyse : The concept of woman beauty over the centeries

The fact is that today, women think they can't BE socially, or even sexually credible if they do not fit in the dictates of what magazines and fashion generate. This idea of being physically perfect poisons women's existence. But not only women's, probably men's as well and this in 2 different ways : first, like women, men have a pressure of being cosmetically perfect, but also they will be identified by the society to the woman they chose to be with, so they will go more for someone who looks cosmetically good (according to the fashion dictates) rather than for someone maybe with a less conventional beauty (always according to the fashion dictates), but with whom he could be happier (and by the way he probably would not even notice this second one, being too focussed on "cosmetic perfection"...) Not the healthiest way to make a decision... I talk here, as an example, about women and men in bisexual relationships, but, of course, this is probably the same issues in homosexual relationships...

Through my years of working as a Personal Trainer, I have witnessed so many depressions, unhappiness, phobias, addictions, compulsive eating habits, and most of the time these conditions are  triggered by a deep lack of self-estimate, non-acceptance of one's own image, one's physical differences, bad treatments, tough chilhood etc. And as we guess this can have some serious impacts on our psychological field. Of course we all want to make the right changes to feel good, valued and accepted, but, some of us are so driven to make it that they became obsessed and addicted to exercise, diets and other extremes, so end experimenting a very austere lifestyle which eventually showed its limits as ruled by too much deprivations and rigidities. A lifestyle which at the end reversed onto unhealthy habits again. Others tried without believing or without being ready to make the right moves (not extreme moves), so do not succeed, and then there are some who are opened to take the problem from a different angle; forgetting for a while the dictates of the society and listening to their heart, learning to follow their intuition and to believe they are or can become again (as we are all at birth) a Beautiful person.

The first moves are the tougher... Forget how many kg you have to lose, forget the way you look, forget who you want to be, just sink inside you and start to learn about yourself... Make a list of what you value about yourself, what you know you can achieve on a daily basis, what you do not want any more in your life (anything which pollutes you). Then get outside and breathe, breathe, breathe believing that what you are breathing it is life, pure life and pure energy which is going to accompany you in this journey. Understand that your body needs to be strong and healthy to support the healing of your mental condition and for your true self to feel great and aligned with your real needs and vocations. For that combine physical exercise with relaxing and meditative moments. There are plenty of fantastic sources on Youtube to initiate and guide you in your journey, for instance Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Greg Barden and many others who are very accessible in term of comprehension, very clear, with often an interesting scientific approach which gives even more credibility to their theories.

Make the changes you need to make, to be at peace with yourself. But having cosmetic surgeries will not be enough to make you feel aligned and happy if it is not combined with much deeper transmutations like : learning to be gentle, respectful and tolerant with yourself, eating well (organic or non spray produce cooked the right way, with moderation and pleasure) and exercising to maintain your body in good working order because this body is our spirit's house here on hearth, looking at yourself with pride for what you can achieve, opening your mind to more subtle believes like:
- the food I eat empowers me, I eat with respect and gratitude, in full consciousness and with moderation, and through this action I do my best for the environment.
- I feel good because I want it to be and believe in it,
- I love myself so I'm able to love the others and I'm loved because I love,
- I respect myself so I'm able to respect the others and I'm respected because I respect,
- I do not judge myself so I'm able not to judge the others and I'm not judged because I do not judge,
- I accept the way I'm so I'm able to accept the way the others -and situations- are and I'am accepted the way I am because I accept Life the way She comes to me,
 - I have the power to change my life, and the limits are infinite.

I believe the majority of the humanity is absolutely beautiful because it is authentic and true. Some people radiate so much care and love for the others, some do so much to improve the world!! They are a permanent inspiration, the beauty of their soul shines on us bringing protection and comfort...

We reveal our true beauty once we let the light get in and radiate through us, once we have understood that life is eternal, that we are One, and are experimenting this material life thanks to our body, a body that we have to take care of in the best way possible without never thinking it is limited (progress, healing, changes are always possible even in the smallest proportions).

Being always positive, optimistic, letting go of fears and anxiety related to social ladder, society uncertainty and insecurity, believing in our heart that everything is always possible and that we are valuable and loved, will help to make the changes we need for feeling great, beautiful, happy and peaceful in this very demanding world, and this no matter what are the latest dictates of the society and fashion.

The power and the choice of not being affected by others' high expectations is ours, we make the choice to be bothered or not and to belong to this big "circus"or not... We can all live a very simple, honest, peaceful and extremely pleasant life just by responding to true priorities and fulfilling simple needs.

Peace of mind for all of us :)

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