Saturday, 11 February 2017

How meditation can improve our fitness

Meditating on a regular basis can truly transcend our workout and bring big benefit to our exercise regime .

First by learning through meditation how to be present in the moment we become aware of physical sensations like breathing or feeling our heart beating, feeling of heat or cold in the body, blood flowing, etc. By extrapolating this awareness to our workouts we can manage our effort better as our breathing and heart rate will give us the measure of where we are standing in our effort, so we can monitor the effort much better and push when we understand that the body is ready to push or recover when we understand the signals that the body sends us to slow down.

Second by focusing on the present moment while we exercise we forget about the rest of the day, only now counts. So your session will be much more efficient; your focus on the technique will maximize the immediate benefit and contribute to progress quicker on the middle to long term. You will also get a bigger sense of satisfaction as you'll be working in full consciousness integrating the sense of the effort and the power you are generating at that very moment and also the sense of being alive and the sense of pleasure.

You also can recover quicker thanks to deep breathings learnt through meditation (very useful when doing a High Intensity Interval training workout)

Third, it brings a spiritual dimension to the workout, you acknowledge the pleasure and you thank for it, you feel one with everything around, sending and receiving positive energy and feeling the love around :)

It also helps to recover quickly in between fitness sessions and to get more efficient energy to put into the next one!!!

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